Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Failure to pollinate but another on the way!

 So the other one has not changed size and, in fact, has developed yellow at the blossom end so no go on that one but the other took!

You can also see by the shadow that the sun is definitely dipping to the south now. A month ago that would have been in blazing sun at this hour. I picked the other tomato and pollinated (hopefully) another zucchini on the other bush. Hoping the female flower was receptive and I will have a third zucchini. Who knew getting zucchini would be such a problem?

The ants were busy on it and had to find a male flower that wasn't totally done, here is a picture of the male flower with the pollen. You can see the difference between that and the female above.

Petals removed for pollination


So very much typical of binary flower reproduction, not the proper term but you get my drift. I didn't take botany but I pretend I did. Flowers are either male or female not having both parts in the same flower.  The are considered monoecious having both female and male flowers on the same plant. 

Okay botany class over. While taking Rocky for a walk, I spied a wonderful denizen and beneficial animal just chilling on a step.

Couldn't get a closer look so had to zoom.

I believe it is a Southern Alligator Lizard, or as I call them 'Leezards'. No longer than my hand and oddly enough, likely because it didn't skitter away, Rocky didn't notice it. I think he was on the prowl to see what other cats had been around.

I grew up with lizards, rabbits, deer, snakes (rattle and other), all manner of plants and animals in my backyard. I have no problems with lizards and snakes or other reptiles. I find them fascinating and wonderful to have in your yard. Again, another topic that many people would come in and say, 'do you have any lizard repllent?'. Um, no. We have snake repellent but frankly if it's in your yard, leave them alone. 'My wife is deathly afraid of them getting in our house'. ::facepalm::

One guy wanted a snake repellent for his yard, we asked why, typical reasons then a coworker asked, 'have you seen any  mice or rats?' the man thought about it and said no, 'there you go. The snake is keeping the rats and mice away. Which would you rather have a problem with?' That convinced him to live with the snakes.

I ate one of the larger tomatoes in a salad the other night and it was delicious, of course. Need to dig out the zucchini and see if I can slice that up and cook it before it goes bad. Watered yesterday but not today, all is good in that department. Slow slogging days of Summer, supposed to be very hot today but it might only get in the high 80's not 90's as predicted. Small wins right?

Oh, that orchid cactus cutting I found? Finally got it planted a few months ago and tada! It's growing a second branch!

Of course it started growing the original branch just laying on the counter covered by ads. The branch was kind of pale but after a few days out in the light it turned green, like they do. Hopefully furball butthead won't try and eat it. He basically killed my three year old african violet about three years ago by eating the leaves. Can't have nice things around anymore.

Neighbors plant, healthy and hearty

ANyway it will be a surprise whenever it grows if it lasts that long. Keep on gardening!

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