Monday, October 11, 2021

Another example of shade and sun

The weather is holding with cool and breezy, partial cloud cover enough that a jacket is needed. Yay! This also means, again, that watering is not as critical. These pictures are from yesterday so today waited until late to water.

Sunny North side
Shady South side

This is where it gets confusing because when someone says 'it's on the south side of the garden' In the winter typically you would think it gets more sun but not if it's against a wall. This is why I have been confused in the past when a customer says that in the winter time it gets full sun but it's on the North side.'South side of an East-West wall' means more sun in the summer unless there are trees or buildings close by.

Oh and see that little tomato on the wood pile on the right of the first picture... welll yeah... left it there yesterday by mistake. Still there, no bugs or animals bothered it when I checked the beds and watered today.

 So the weather is the topic due to it being the biggest change around here. You noticed the ground was all clawed up? Got the cultivator and whacked the dirt a bit to break it up. It was kind of flat and compacted as this kind of dirt will do. That's another thing that mulch helps with is keeping the soil surface from compacting so much when it dries.

In other parts of the country people are doing 'winter prep' with their beds, because...snow. Around here we do winter prep which means ripping out the old plants and digging in new compost and fertilizer and putting in seeds and bulbs. I think I'm going to go do that tomorrow, look for seeds and bulbs and stuff that is. The working part, have to do it so need to wok up the energy.

If I see one of the landscape guys I might ask them to move the wood piled over about a foot or so to give me better access on the side. Or I might just do that myself. I need to make a decision on how active a gardener to be. I've had this monologue previously, previously.

So I'll just go think about that and report back.

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