Saturday, October 9, 2021

It's my birthday and didn't do anything special

I almost didn't go out to the garden until I realized I had missed two days due to the weather being so nice. So went out, did survey, forgot phone for pictures, went back and got phone and this what is happening.

So this is the north bed, behind the pepper and tomato. One sprout is up, the other one apparently got eaten by something. The picture on the left is the same angle as my original photo with the circles around the emerging seedling. Yeah.. all gone, oh well. That one is nice and healthy at least. Then there's the other bed where they are just breaking the surface. One of them was upside down for some reason.
Literally, like it had pushed itself over and roots were partially in the soil but the head was very under ground.

That's two or three coming up in the same spot so a lot of confused stems there. They'll straighten out eventually. The tomatoes are, sigh, plugging along and not very big, so are the peppers. I picked one small pepper that was changing color.


This is the tomato at the top of the bush not quite ready yet. Trying to think of what I'm going to do next. I know I've mulled it over a few times but right now I'm in a state of frustration from various factors so not having anything producing in the garden and having to work seems like a lot of trouble for small returns.

Might do something garden related tomorrow, find some fertilizer and compost maybe. Weather is absolutely gorgeous and cool so feel more able to dig in stuff. Maybe. Oh I saw three little holes under the pepper that were curious and possibly signs of what may have eaten the bean sprout.

Could be ant holes given how it's cleared around the holes which is something they do but could also be worms. If it's worms, yippee!  Will see what happens the next few days and hope the sprouts aren't attacked. Last time I tried to grow beans years ago they got to the size of the one with two leaves and then snails came in and mowed them down over night. Yes I know it was overnight because I checked them in the afternoon and the next morning they were gone, snail tracks everywhere too. 

So that's the update, another year another trip around the sun for me.

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