Thursday, November 11, 2021

And it's hot again.

 Stupid Santa Ana's. It is clear, breezy 16% humidity and 90 degrees. No wonder my sinuses went off last night.

Needless to say I have not gone out to the garden. Not going to worry about watering and let the tomato plant just die as all the fruit are off it and nothing else is out there to water.  Until the weather settles down to actual fall and winter nothing to do out there. Budget is tight so paying for a large back of compost and fertilizer is going to have to wait. I just now remembered the little cilantro sprout coming up, that one is toast as well no doubt.

In other news:

I think I mentioned about planting things in the right place? Well there used to be a camellia bush there. The stump is forward and to the right of the white thing which is a capped off pipe. They needed to be able to see the fire extinguisher. If I had been there a few seconds sooner I would have offered to trim it back but.... oh well.

Neither of those bushes have bloomed but for one or two flowers in the past year. Too much shade (and no food/alkaline soil) is a thing even for a shade plant like these. So there that sits, an ugly empty spot they can't dig in due to the electrical going under the dirt. I might suggest a pot with a small plant in it there just to make it look better. One side note though, it is entirely possible though unlikely, that stump may well sprout. I've seen it happen. So when planning for where to put a plant, once again, consider the future, how big it will get, seasonal change and changes to the surrounding area.

 Weather like this makes me retract any thoughts of fall planting or bulbs or anything to do outside. The only place that's going to have bulbs is HD and most nurseries. Do not go by the advice of people who live back east and wait until spring to plant tulips and such. Now is the time for planting spring bulbs in San Diego. Despite the weather. No flowers locally other than the roses and the one epiphyllum on the ground that is sporting all manner of buds on it! Didn't get a chance for a photo but will have some later.

 Wonderful little mushroom clump from a few weeks ago. Sorry for the blurriness, walking the cat and he tugged on the leash at the wrong moment. Notice they aren't in bare dirt and grass is luscious and green? Remember 'fairy rings' in the lawn? Yep, nitrogen is abundant there due to decomposing material under the soil. See all the mulch in the background? Yup. The smell in the air in the past few weeks in certain places just reeks of fungus and I always wondered why until not too long ago and the connection hit me.

I'm still 'window shopping' for an actual place of our own instead of an apartment. Not going to happen any time soon but it keeps me hopeful and dreaming.

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