Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Cloudy with a chance of rain, yay!

 It rained last night, good enough to rinse the pollen off my car and give the garden a good soaking. Judging by the clouds, we may get more rain today.

Looking East
To the North

So, looks like I don't have to water today either which is good. Free water from the sky is a bonus. I tucked some of the branches in on the tomato, not having my pruners with me I let the top branch go and then added one of the other cages to the side for another branch that was running along the ground.

More cilantro was discovered at the base of the tomato and also it looks like the other 'gardener' lady planted some seeds and seedlings. As far as our area is concerned it's planting season!

Looks like she's got a tomato, a couple of onions I think and some other undetermined seeds coming up. I need to get going! You would never think all three of those photos are taken in the same location and minutes apart. Lighting is everything!

I've got the bell pepper seeds and the beans so could throw those in the ground. Perfect time for them if the weather keeps going the current direction. We may not get more rain, not sure which direction the clouds are going. Might put the beans in the south bed since that will get direct sun, try the peppers again in the north bed next to the tomato. I'm really shocked the tomato is continuing. I always tell people to rip them out at the end of the season but here's my take on that.

Typically yes, tomatoes, peppers and the like are meant to be annuals. Where it gets cold and freezing. Around here, with proper care and pruning a plant can last more than one year. If it has turned brown and lost most of the leaves by all means rip that sucker out and toss it on the compost pile. In my case, the stem was still strong, there were still green branches and I decided to give it a second chance. Speaking of chances.... I run the risk minutely of attracting nematodes (microscopic parasitic worms in the soil) by keeping the tomato there. The ground is not very healthy as far as organic material is concerned so might not have to worry. I will be putting more effort in once I get some money as I've said.

Thriving weeds
The weeds and 'naturalized plants' are loving this weather. This is their time to get going and take over. I might pull a good portion of them to throw on the pile. You can see the tall one and others are the prickly lettuce and the low flat one on the lower right  is dandelion. This picture was taken yesterday and I swear they've doubled in size today. Like they do.

Now is also the time for peas and lettuce and leafy green stuff as evidenced by those just flourishing. Now I want to run back down and put some seeds in the ground lol!



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