Monday, January 17, 2022

No walkies, weather interference.

 I got food money so I'm counting walking around Costco and the grocery store this week. As a result not many pictures or things to talk about. 

A friend with her husband and daughter have been cooped up for the most part for the past two years due to Covid. They get grocery deliveries and boxes of veggies once a week. She 'reuses' her green onions by only using the greens and leaving about an inch at the root then puts them in water. Within a week or so they start to regrow. Very thrifty and useful if you use them a lot. She also has a garden bed around the corner from where they are so have no problems growing tomatoes, chard, whatever else they want within reason given our summers and the situation. I still need to work on  my beds, which reminds me I need to water them despite getting a fraction of an inch of rain the other day.

There are interesting plants all around, I love the symmetry of some plants and couldn't help take a picture of the succulent in front of an apartment this morning.

They also had a bowl of violas for color which was adorable. One of my favorite little splashes of color in a garden.

I had to move my car (long story) so went to look at the garden and doesn't necessarily need water but I should but also there's an actual tomato and some cilantro popping up!


The cilantro is in the south bed where I had thrown seeds behind the zucchini. Yay! Now I really do need to water. The tiny tomato is smaller than my pinkie nail so not very big but a surprise. Some branches further down are yellowing which is the combination of lack of sunlight and water on the branch. That one branch sticking up at the top is actually angling toward the wall by about a foot or so. 

Cloud cover is a blessing right now, warm but slightly overcast is saving on water in the soil. I do wish this was my house and my garden to really boast about doing t hings the right way but that may not happen. So you see, winter doesn't last very long where I am, at least not in long stretches like other places. It's raining torrents in some places and other states are having blizzards and we're down here going..'Um ya think it might rain soon? Is that a whiff of moisture in the air? Boy it got chilly last night, got down into the 50's!' 

Are we 'spoiled'? Maybe but you can't say spoiled because that's just how it is here, kind of like being allergic to something from almost birth and people ask if they miss that taste and they say how can I miss it if I never got to experience it? Could I tolerate some snow and more rain, probably with the right living situation. Could I go out in the middle of winter elsewhere to check on my garden? Probably not but that would be the situation and would I complain? Probably not, you ca connect with the right people in your area to trade seeds, ideas, tips and methods fitting where you live. It will be different and that's all you can say about it.

Believe me, whenever I get to that point of being able to move to someplace with a yard you will hear from me!

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And.... rampaging mammals again.

 We got some serious rain over the week. Some places reported almost four inches! I don't know how much we got but it was a nice gentle ...