Friday, January 14, 2022

More exercise a few pictures from around.

 On one of my walks around the neighborhood I discovered a beautiful John F Kennedy Rose that was blooming really well. Wonderful white flower with a hint of pink when it gets damp and sun shines on it.

The flower pictured was right next to the sidewalk so I could stop and smell it. That was almost a week ago and today walked that street again and some inconsiderate nincompoop had broken it off and taken it leaving only a shred of skin from the stem. I didn't get a picture unfortunately and I should have to show what not to do. As the old wise saying goes, if you pick a flower you are being selfish, if you leave it for others to smell and see, it is a blessing. Luckily there are four other flowers on it now and am hoping no one decides to rip those off too. 

Also on a walk that week I decided to get a picture of the Pyracantha that is in full berry right now.

This is right next to our driveway gate entrance and is a wonderful bright orange spark under the sycamores losing leaves. In front of another apartment I discovered something most people won't recognize and yet everyone has seen it.

Not bamboo but 'Lucky Bamboo'. Actually a variety of Dracaena and seems to be going good in that pot. Leaves are thin and so are the stems so I think it was indoors for a bit too long. Should be much happier now.

There are a lot of supposed houseplants that do just fine outdoors here as evidenced by the multitude of spider plants, a pothos or two and that Dracaena (pron.:Draseena). I've seen other plants also just can't remember what they are at the moment. So it's just a matter of timing, where you are and what you have. Just remember that most houseplants are tropicals. OH! Speaking of that just remembered a picture I took near that plant a few weeks ago.

A pineapple!

This plant is just chugging along growing just fine and the fruit is about the size of my hand. Now it's not going to be very sweet and may take another year for it to get up to size but it shows that with the right situation just about anything will grow. It was likely bought as a houseplant, you can see how long the leaves are and thin. It's nestled in mostly shade among Cannas that do okay blooming in the summer. They need more sun for sure. But there you go! 

Unexpected joys in unexpected places is what gardening is all about.


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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...