Monday, January 31, 2022

Weed extermination has begun

 Finally found a cheap spray bottle, had white vinegar in the cupboard and the test has begun. When I went out today there was either one of the worlds largest dog paw prints or someone had a lot of digging.

Before picture for reference

Luckily it didn't disturb the seeds or cilantro. I cultivated the area and then realized I had left the spray bottle upstairs. Went back up, filled the bottle and came back down to spray the weeds. One thing I was sure to test was direction of the breeze. Luckily it was wafting eastward toward the corner. 

I sprayed most of the weeds in proximity to where I planted as well as into the corner. This area is in shade so not so sure it's going to do as well as the one I sprayed that's in the sun.

Something else that I realized, cats don't like the smell of vinegar...guess what I sprayed on the dirt as well? Not very strong acid but it can help lower the pH a little I hope. Cat deterrent, weed killer and soil acidifier all in one? Yes please!

So I also planted the entire lot of Danvers carrots in the front of the south bed and just on a lark threw in some of the Red Burgundy onion seeds. After spraying the soil with vinegar again to water in.

Danvers Carrot line

Red Burgundy onion line

 They're both root crops and are compatible but if the onions are as big as I think they could be they will crowd the carrots and everything else out. With my luck they may never form a bulb but at least I'll have the greens to use. I'll be fertilizing again in a month because with my soil, can never have enough organic fertilizer.

I should have taken pictures of the seed packet along with where I planted them for future reference all along. Oh well.

The carrots may be too close to the front where the soil gets shallower from insufficient digging. All experimental this year for sure! I watered the south bed thoroughly of course since the peas at the back need to stay moist. I wish I could have put more compost in, but if the peas and beans actually grow that helps throw more nitrogen in the soil. I was looking at what are compatible plants for veggies and herbs and I need to plant chamomile even though I don't use it or know of any one that does. That adds potassium and sulfur in the soil. Definitely needed. I forgot to take a picture but put more cat deterrent devices (aka tomato cages) on the south bed.

I also think I figured out what the other gardener planted now that the second set of leaves have come out. 


I am hoping mine start coming up soon, will see what happens. Even if those are bush peas they're going to crowd each other out unless she thins. But then, I'm using standard garden logic on someone who is only doing it to do something. I guess.

Now we wait. Some more. I hate waiting. C'mon little seeds grow!

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