Saturday, January 29, 2022

Watered, forgot the seeds.

 But honestly how many radish and carrots am I going to get? Also forgot to get a spray bottle when I went to the store darn it. Will try again tomorrow. It's best to catch the weedlings when they're small to kill faster.

Abandoned rose cutting.


The neighbor bed owner appears to have read my blog or came to her senses because the rose 'cutting' was near the compost pile and there is now a tomato seedling where it was along with another one , so she now has three tomatoes..

Hope she realizes the other tomato is going to need the red cage more than the mint. Maybe I'm having an influence on her with my tomato and other planting. ::shrugs::

So I was considering my options on expanding my planting area and realized that the log pile is not ideal even though it is next to my existing bed. There is, however, a spot in front of the North fence that looks burned. There's also a small spot just on the other side of a border wood where I dug up some of the prickly lettuce and dandelion.

It's about four feet or so along the fence (due to angle of the sun had to take the picture to the side) but will consider it three working feed by about two feet, I watered it really well and looked at the corner of the wall. The shadiness of it just isn't suiting me and likely will be better for composting. I have no idea what the original configuration of the beds were but I'm going to try and carve out another space in front of the fence (if the fence wasn't wet you couldn't tell that I actually did water that spot).


It's going to take a lot more work to get that done and ready. Have to mark the perimeter, hopefully get some boards or... better yet the black plastic edging that someone threw on the wood pile! Bingo! Didn't get a picture of it because I didn't think of it until now. But a LOT of digging for sure. A LOT of compost...for sure.Then decide what I want to grow there. Brain says something pretty like a rose bush, experience says no. That is a permanent bush that you would have to leave behind if/when you move.

Anyway. I watered the beds well, especially the peas, oddly enough that bed seemed almost as dry as the north bed. Might put some more carrots in that one though. Wish I had some coriander seed. Ohhh.... I have celery seed!!! Worth a shot! I know it gets big and even if it only puts out stalks and not a head can still use it..(five minutes of research later)..'marshland plant that was cultivated'... that is a hard nope then. It needs three times the amount of compost than I can provide and twice the water. Never mind. I'll save room for the bell peppers when it starts warming up, also want to try the jalapeƱos again. I'll put some carrots in the south bed along the front.


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