Thursday, February 17, 2022

Another clear and breezy day

 (Wasn't going to post but then it would break my streak right?)

Wasn't going to do anything in the garden then figured, what the heck, need to keep up on it. Only brought my pruners and a glove to maybe trim back the tomato. When I got there I decided I would rather get the supplies to make a cage extension than trim it. Sooo many flowers and they all look like they've pollinated!


(rastsafracking formatting)

I have memorized what to do to get photos side by side, I have  no idea why it works most of the time and sometimes it just wants to be a butt. I don't change any settings... grrr. So bear with the odd placement of photos occasionally.

I would rather have a burgeoning tomato plant climbing to the sky loaded with fruit then a pruned one that is too crowded for the cage. I might restart next time in the middle toward the back and use a lattice or a frame of some sort. 

The seed bed was looking a bit dry on top so despite not bringing my sprayer I just used my thumb as a diverter and sprinkled the top of the area. One of the potatoes was slightly uncovered so I pushed some rather crusty dirt on it again. Going to have to water that area tomorrow for sure. 

(sure and as soon as I warn about odd placement, formatting is behaving... go figure)

One of the cilantro seedlings was a bit too long on the stem so I pushed some dirt around it, but may have nudged it a bit too hard and I should have really watered it today. It was looking a bit wilted but the other two plants are doing fine.

When I was getting a picture of the radishes I noticed one or two leaves looked a little notched... hmmmm... 

Some of them are getting their secondary leaves yay! But those little nibbles are concerning. Not snail or slug for sure but definitely something tiny taking nibbles out. Will have to monitor those closely. They normally have that little indent at the end of the leaf but it's the sides of the leaves I'm concerned about.

Anyway... waiting to see if the seeds start sprouting in the next few days. Anything more than a week and I go buy plants to put in. Radishes and carrots I can't buy as seedlings but will figure out something. Lettuces for the shade and maybe chives or the green onions I have in the kitchen. 

Better be progress soon or I'm going to be very put out.

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