Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentines Day!

What does Valentines day have to do with gardening? Not much but I remember something about a gardener planting radishes in a heart shape or something decades ago. I didn't do that but did replant some radishes and carrots as well as some beans and the put the potatoes in their bed.

Needless to say the transplants didn't take well. (I'm about to kick the person who programmed formatting on this blog. It's not cooperating with what I usually do and it's ticking me off.)

 These are the transplants from the radish section in the north bed. I wasn't able to get out first thing in the morning to water due to having the water shut off for repairs just as I was about to go do that. Oh well. I don't think it would have made any difference. I didn't put anything in the south bed quite  yet but might consider getting more compost and digging that in before planting peppers or something.

When it gets more sunny over there.


The other picture is the radish section, likely still too crowded but will see what happens. Those are the Easter Egg Blend and hope that by Easter they are ready to pull and show of their cool pastel coloring.

Still lightheaded after bending down so much to  mark the new rows and digging. I planted the last of the Little Finger and some Thumbelina Carrots in the  middle of the bed, and Cherry Belle radishes in the front. Dug a decent depth trench then filled it in with loose soil before putting the seeds in on top and barely covering them.

Mistake taking a picture of white paper with pencil writing on it to remember what I planted. Those are very thickly sown for a reason. Whatever survives, stays will thin them out as necessary. Oh yes and put in some peas without soaking where that darker soil is beyond the radishes. When doing it right doesn't work, do whatever you want that might work better.

Then there's the potato bed. Again, an  experiment ind doing half ass gardening.

See how wonderfully dark the soil still is in deep? Barely moist for sure so it would still need some water. (Just noticed that one hold is shaped like a heart..awww.)

I tried to make enough room for expansion sideways, the soil was rather easy to dig so even if it's not big enough they may be strong enough to grow through. So I'm doing a mounding type of planting keeping the holes open with the dirt around them, watered and then put the cages on top.

Speaking of watering, the nozzle has some issues on certain settings that is ticking me off. Again if it were my personal property making a garden I would spend more money but see all the spatters on the ground? This is what caused it:

That is on fan spray and doesn't do it on my usual setting, as much. So it's a pressure thing separating the rotating spray head from the nozzle. Very annoying. I didn't want hard spray or drops hitting the tiny carrot and radish seeds when I watered so I used that and had to be careful.

The beans I put in the same section as before, maybe six or eight of them, one was broken I just left it in there.

Don't think I put anything behind the tomato, not a big deal. Getting kind of disheartened with all of this. Radishes, one of the faster sprouting seeds and only one section came up! Peas and beans, nothing, carrots, nothing. What the heck? Gotta be gardener error on this having not checked nutrients or planting depth. I did check planting for carrots and I did it right this time barely covering with about 1/4 soil. This is a very good situation where I would tell people, anything but root crops like radish and carrots, go get starts and put them in. Seeds are just too fickle even for me.

Peas. Worth a shot.

Now watch, the peas will come up and overtake everything there. I put them there for a reason so they could climb the extra cage. If they grow at all.

The dirt is totally hard rock when dry but once it gets worked and watered it digs very easy. Still needs more compost for sure. Sometimes you try and do all the right things and it doesn't turn out and then someone comes along and seemingly just plops things in the ground and they take off.


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