Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Did I say there might be a change of weather?

 Yes, yes I did! It is overcast, still a bit breezy/windy and drizzly enough to not need to water. It will likely change back to clear and sunny tomorrow but that's the way it goes. For now though it's long pants and double shirts and keeping the windows closed due to cold wind.

My silly cat still insisted on going outside so we got a little damp, it was just drizzles but enough to staying out for long.


Surprise in the garden though... the transplants survived more than I thought! They just needed some water and cooler weather to perk up!

Looks like maybe one or two are struggling but still hanging in there. Nice enough weather for cool season veggies. Still wondering if I want to plant some flowers for pollinators later. Oh, looking around the garden though I noticed something odd had been sprinkled on the ground.

Might be seeds, but there's a lot and didn't pick any up. It wasn't there yesterday that I noticed. Can't say it's from the roof, it was only near the compost pile and random but like it was purposefully sprinkled. If it's seeds....why and what? It could be the wind had picked up some of the 'gravel' from the roof and blown it around but it's too uniform in size and too small. Will have to see if anything comes up.

I saw a video from a lady that lives in So. Cal who gardens in raised dubs on plastic chairs in her garden. Nice idea for doing that but neither of those items are going to last long in the blazing hot summers down here. The chairs I know only last a few years before the plastic starts breaking down and the tubs... same thing. They aren't meant to be in the weather. She was only using layered compost materials for the 'soil' and it was definitely dark black and wet. There was a hole she had drilled on one end of the tub for drainage which in my mind is not enough. She had about eight or ten set up in a semi circle and whatever works for you but for me it was ugly.

A customer that was (is?) a regular at the nursery did all his gardening in various non-standard things. Bathtubs, toilets, sinks, wheelbarrows, anything that was big enough to plant. He showed me some pictures of his plantings and it certainly was inventive! They all had built in drainage and he was successful in growing everything from veggies to trees and bushes, bulbs and flowers. Again, if all those things were just sitting in a yard, it would be a junk pile. So  many different ways and styles of gardening for whatever you feel capable of using.

I just want to have the chance to do something of my one on my own property. I'm lucky and thankful to have the garden area I do and I consider it practice of sorts for when a new place with a real yard comes my way.

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