Sunday, February 20, 2022

Not the best support job but it works.

 I went out later on yesterday because I couldn't stand not to do the supports and besides it was cooler and shadier. It works, could be better, would like it to be flat but that's for another time. The branches are too crowded and the brown leaves at the bottom are a testament to that.











I used the hollow metal garden stakes and the green coated 'twist tie' type wire. Threaded the poles through the bottom two rungs, not the top one so they can spread a bit more. I get impatient sometimes and tend to rush a job that I know how to do correctly.











The radishes are plugging along, no movement from anything else planted the same day or even recently. Hrmmph.

But then I am checking every day because I need to water and I remember going out after about a week and suddenly there were radish sprouts. Crossing fingers.

Walking through the lawn I saw a vaguely familiar plant and knew it was Burr Clover. Common enough weed in lawns and other places but then... 

That's what it looks like! Could it be that they were weed seeds in there all the time and just with her watering they sprouted?

Here's a better look at Burr Clover: 


Now it could indeed be just a type of clover she threw in there, when it gets a bit bigger and flowers will know for sure.

The mint in that bed did a comeback I didn't expect. just hope it does a better job of surviving the summer this time around. 

Why am I concerned about the other beds when I don't take care of them? Gardener envy? Nah... Just regular old curiosity and educational point of reference you could say.

I am hoping to still be doing this in another year and if I end up planting another tomato it's either going to be a small one or I'll get one of the flat cages I had before that are great for climbing things and put that in.  

As I said, the cilantro is doing just swell and there's parsley in the other bed so hopefully will have plenty of bee and butterfly food soon. Speaking of that, a Monarch crossed my path on my way back upstairs! It was so fast I didn't have a chance to get my phone out to take a picture. Yay for butterflies!











 The tomatoes aren't doing so hot there but the mint and parsley are coming along.

Just might buy some peas or chives or something to put in with the cilantro and radishes. Nothing else has come up and probably won't.

Also tempted to put a cover or some sort on the north bed to shade the seeded area , that gets hot and dry very quickly which is one of the factors for it not being successful I suspect.

Lunch time and then off to other things. Beautiful Sunday wether, not a cloud in the sky, light cool breeze and picture perfect spring say.

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