Friday, February 25, 2022

Still cold and surprising mistake.

After the fact, I researched into how to grow carrots and it turns out they should have been doing much better on the sunny side than the shady side. My soil is all wrong for good germination and growth, not to mention the timing is bad. Go figure. I'm wondering if that south bed gets just a tad of sun in the morning but shade the rest of the day while the north bed gets shade early and sun the rest of the day. There was frost on a shady spot of a roof across the fence this morning. Most definitely winter for us.

Hmmph. I have to look back and see if I planted the Thumbelina carrots in the south bed because they will be okay being little shorties and don't need 12 inches of good soil to form the root. Don't have to worry about an abundance of nitrogen... which reminds me I need to do a soil test like I said I would do.

These were taken after I watered. Hard to see on the right bed where there's almost a canal of water along the log marker parallel to the wall. Well it turns out there is no rain gutter on that roof edge and with our recent down pours it made a shallow trough. I was smart to mark the limit of the bed right there.

I am convinced and am remembering now that there was a mass of burr clover in the other neighbor bed last year so that's what she's growing I guess. Good luck not disturbing your actual seedlings when you have to pull that out. Or not..she'll keep them of course because it's growing something. 

I might have to thin out the tomato plant branches before too long, it's just bothering me having all of that crammed into one cage and I am not going to cut the cage to open it up and take it out. It' s not mine and it would ruin it for anyone else to use. Really want the beans to grow at the back of the bed, must be too cold for them. I just got two bags of pinto beans from a food bank and since I don't do beans from scratch, going to use a few of them as seed. The other bags may well be too old despite the other three that I planted grew almost immediately. Will wait and see.

Our weather is so fickle, it's going to be in the 70's over the weekend and do up and down waves of high and lows during the day and night. The soil is cold, the air is cold (unless you're standing in the sun) the kind of weather that you face the sun until your front gets warm, then turn around so your back can get warm... 

Plants don't have that option. Unless you're an OCD person who takes their houseplants outside for 'fresh air' and brings them inside when it gets dark. I had to tell that person to leave them alone and explained how to take care of them. They were doing more harm than good and told them that's why the plants weren't doing well.

I got some English cucumbers with my veggies, some corn cobs and some tiny russet potatoes. Not going to plant those as they need a lot more depth and room than I have and sandier soil. Still waiting on the potatoes I planted. Need to research those as well, after the fact.

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