Sunday, March 27, 2022

Another clear and breezy day and an executive decision.

 So forecast says there may be rain tomorrow or Tuesday. It is clear and moderate to strong breezy today we will see if any clouds roll in later on.

Everything is chugging along and had to make a makeshift support for the south bed pea. Will be going out today to get some stakes or try to find that square cage. I only need something about two feet wide and the white trellis fabric in packages is 6 feet by 4 I think. So will need four stakes and that for two beds.

That bed was still very damp so no water there, just splashed water on the potatoes and the other bed. On the peas in the north bed I made an executive decision to move the larger of the front plants to make a row of three in the back.











The soil is thankfully  very soft so just dug the trowel in as deep as I could in a cone around it, did a hole about the same way and plopped it in. Had to move the soil around in the front to level things out and compensate for the loss of soil.

Still waiting for that little seedling to make itself known as to what it is. I am still holding that it's a tree seed that doesn't belong there but will wait. In my digging at the front I  uncovered a pea seed that was barely opened, oh well. Don't really need anymore pea plants. I need to figure out something short that can grow in the front and may have to wait for the peas to get big enough before deciding what. Hate to see good soil just sit fallow if the season is right for planting.

Got a better picture of the azalea and the yellow flowering aloe. The birds were out everywhere picking up the tree seeds and other stuff, glorious morning for being outside.


And of course the potatoes and tomato are going crazy as they should. that tomato I am just trying to figure out how to keep it from taking over the world. Especially if the peas start growing that close they'll just all intermingle.

 I pulled the logs off the bed since I don't need the shade anymore or delineating separate seed beds. Those radishes... just don't know what to do, will likely pull them and leave that area empty since it's so close to the tomato.

I wanted to grow tomatillos but have no room now. They are a plant as big as that tomato, being related, and even the potato bed would be too small. The south bed again, the carrots and radishes are languishing in the shade and the cilantro is going crazy.

Had to throw out the previous cilantro because I didn't use it in time and it wilted in the fridge. 

Okay off I go for errands today and hope to get some garden things while I'm out.

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