Monday, March 28, 2022

At least it's cloudy, rain coming soon.

 As soon as I say 'wait and see' for the weather, it does what it's predicted. No rain but definitely still blustery and cloudy. Love the wind because I know it brings different weather, I had to wear my long pants again today because it may not get to the high 70's.

So out to the garden I went. Everything chugging along, soil still 'moist' from watering yesterday but due to it being sunny and now cloudy I decided to water anyway. The pea I tried to support had been blown sideways so twisted it up to try and get it to stay.

Honestly considered getting my wire cutters out and opening that cage up flat but it's technically not mine. Didn't get a chance to go to HD yesterday, made a half hearted look at what Target had in their seasonal/garden section. Disappointing for actual gardening as suspected. Might go for a walk up the road to the little nursery and see what they have.

I am disconcerted every time I dig into the soil with the trowel and hear that 'scrape/tink' of hitting a small rock or pebble. I pulled pea sized rocks and slightly bigger out of the potato soil when I was loosening it. I did the same in the north bed and accidentally chopped one of the smaller pea sprouts. Oh well. I then decided to transplant the remaining one in the front over to the corner of the potato bed.


At least in the corner there I can set up a couple of stakes, I'll get some shade in the summer with the sun overhead even and now I have room to plant something in the front of the other bed. You can see how dark the soil still is but it's not very wet hence why I watered anyway despite rain coming in.

The lawn was wet as well which means the gardeners turned the sprinklers on this morning. Any water is better than none. Definitely getting darker outside from cloud cover, may have some sprinkles in a few hours. 

There was a flower blooming on my morning walk with Rocky but pictures on my phone didn't do it justice. I thought it was a Freesia at first but then got closer and realized I was wrong. I love Freesias.

The name of this one escapes me but now I want to go see if there's freesias somewhere so I can plant them. Way too late in the season for us though. Sigh.

It's finally raining!!! Due to the wind it's blowing around most of it but love that smell, the wind and everything. Sigh.

I got a better look at the azalea and am incorrect that it is an Alaska. It's a single flower so it's likely a Mrs. G.G. Gerbing. Had to look it up because it's been so long since I was working with Azaleas every  day I've lost a lot of the names.

Anyway, wonderful weather outside my window and keeping the blinds and window open for the breeze and smells.

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