Thursday, March 31, 2022

Back and forth, back and forth with the weather!

 Woke up to high dense clouds which means it's cooler but likely no rain. It may have rained while I was asleep, can't tell from the ground. According to the weather, next week is going to be hot as in summer weather temperatures. I was considering planting lettuce seeds in the south bed, not so sure now.

After reading another article on how to grow radishes I chose to pull the ones in the south bed and then just tossed them on the compost pile. Looked at the north bed and said, 'what the heck, might as well'.

So I put them back in the north bed between the two rows of seeds I just sowed.

Even in the picture you can tell the roots aren't forming like they should and it's all tops. Shade is the culprit.

Still not convinced they'll do well there if they haven't done anything now. Just something to do. The peas are growing well and so are the potatoes which I decided to start covering with soil. Didn't pack it down tight just enough to be firm. 

   The thing about peas is, when they put their first tendrils  out it corkscrews around as it grows, looking for something to latch onto. Once it finds something it gets a growth spurt and puts out another one, which is why they're such fast growers. So the tendril that connected at the top has now pulled the pea up and is following the line. There's another one off to the left you can't see that I am hoping will catch the first rung of the cage. The other pea on the far left has a tendril out as well so I added a cage there as well. 


I then trimmed the cilantro by a few branches since I made sure to buy avocados and tomatoes today, hoping to make some guacamole.

The potatoes I took a hard look at and realized they were big enough to bury some of the stem. The soil technically is too heavy which is why I didn't pack it very hard.

I loosened the soil in the hole as well just as a precaution and because it needed it. The picture on the right is the plant that was on the right after I pulled some of the lower leaves off.

I just don't know what to do about the tomato, it is going completely bonkers and in order to thin it out I have to be very selective with the branches. Any branches I take off may have potential for fruit, thus reducing production. But if I don't take off branches it crowds itself out and can cause other issues.

It's just turning into a monster! Will make an executive decision about that tomorrow and hopefully will get some lettuce seeds for the south bed.

In flower news, we drove down a street we used to take all the time to go grocery shopping and one of the yards had absolutely gorgeous roses in full bloom! They were spectacular and since I was driving I couldn't take a picture. It's an odd sort of balance as that property sells second hand/refurbished washers and dryers on the garage side.

I did get a picture of the iris that had the pot cracked and realized that the dirt I saw further down the sidewalk was likely from another planter.

This is where the plants the manager is growing are all clustered on the table and chairs and the small table. We do what we can with what we have and hope for the best.

Time, money and energy are usually in short supply at sometime, it is all a balance of the three and sometimes all three are at the same short level. See quote above.

I also realized that anywhere else that is not Southern CA would not have that show of roses this time of year. I am lucky enough to have such a climate to see beauty in the early spring like that.

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