Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Clear, dry and wonderful

 Yes indeed, the weather has changed back again so out to the garden with the sprayer I went. Not surprising, south shade bed is fine, potato and North bed were dry. Because that's what happens.



It was later in the day than usual since we had to go out and get some groceries hence the shadows being a bit longer. I do hope the onions sprout, those would be more useful than the radishes frankly. I just picked two nice white ones that were of size and only yesterday threw out the two bags of premade salad that had gone yucky. What to do with two lone radishes?

They likely could have stayed in the ground a bit longer but by now, you know I'm an impatient gardener and have nothing better to do.

By the time I get more money next month I'll really need support for the peas and the potatoes and will budget accordingly. I know exactly what I need and where to find it, price is approximate but close enough for budgeting.

Found another flower that was blooming. In advance of the rain the manager put her potted plants out at the edge of the lawn for rain yesterday.

I love striped and speckled, variegated flowers. This is a particularly cute geranium that, despite it being a geranium, I would have in a pot for my porch as well. I will never put them in the ground, they will take over. She also has a bearded iris that sadly got kicked/knocked around but the stems are still intact. They haven't bloomed yet but will take pictures when they do.

Spring makes me ache for flowers in a garden of my own. I would have my iris bed, my bulb beds (can't  have just one of those), my roses and a wildflower garden. The 'wildflowers' would consist of my favrites, Bachelor Button (Cornflower), Salpiglossis (look it up they're incredible!), poppies (for the bees), lupine, Cosmos, don't know what else. Likely would get separate packets because I don't trust pre mixed selections. Usually too heavy on lupin and cosmos and cornflower.

Oh, the roses... so hard to just choose a dozen or less to put in a garden. I have my sentimental favorites but fragrance has to be in all of them. Almost all the colors possible and it all depends on your climate zone which ones would do the best.

So, my Spring wishful list and pining away for a garden of my own. Won't be so wistful when summer is here, I'm sweltering and don't want to go out in the heat.

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