Had some errands to run this morning and finally was able to get out there around noon. Someone pilfered one of my tomatoes that was ripe from this pair.
Only the one on the right was dangling and a perfect red. No, it wasn't on the ground, if some animal took it both would be gone. Oh well, more where that came from, and I picked the other one so there's none left that are ripe yet.
The potatoes are indeed growing quickly but again, not sure how well they will be forming unless I get some nice loose soil to pile around them.
There's enough room with a possibility of making a bigger tower with some McGyvering of tomato cages. Using either window screen or shade cloth or maybe just a pot with the bottom cut out Will see what happens. But you can see all the bits of 'compost' that's just laying on the ground, very little of it is in the actual soil from what I can tell. I might have to construct a sifter to get all that out and replace it with something finer and toss that into the pile with the veggie scraps.
That's something else that needs to be 'upgraded' but given that no one else there would maintain it if/when we move out... what's the point? If I make it something portable and small or easily broken down I could take it with me when we leave. That sounds like the best alternative because with making salads, eating apples and using eggs I have plenty of scraps to put in there. Need to do a little more research into composting like that.
Oh the aloe that I had to move? Well something interesting is happening there as well. It's spring!
It will likely be yellow of course, but then I realized that log was sitting on it and took a moment to move it back onto the log pile. Lo and behold, gee whiz look at the color difference!
They really do look better in partial shade and can grow in the house for a short time.Not sure if this is an aloe vera or not since most have orange flowers and the leaves stay green. It may well be one that's just super stressed out from being in a pot and in full blazing sun that they don't like. Will find out, I have the handy dandy Leafsnap on my phone and will find out. Speaking of, remember that mystery clover looking plant? It's blooming and I snapped it on the app which came out as a big surprise because it turns out to be Fenugreek! I've never seen it as a plant before that's why I had no clue what it was.
It has some medicinal properties as well as being used in mostly Eastern/Indian cooking. That many seeds she could very well be using it for both.
So that's the garden today. I watered a bit, nothing coming up in the south bed, cilantro is continuing to pump up and the carrots and radishes doing well. Almost pulled another pair of radishes from the other bed but waiting for them to get a bit bigger.
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