Sunday, March 6, 2022

Mysteries in the garden!

 Interesting things in the garden today with a little sleuthing. 

The weather was very blustery and cold with rain later in the evening. Very cold and blustery... wonderful but .. cold.

Nothing needs watering today despite it being mostly clear and sunny today with only a light breeze. First to see when I got to the garden was....fluff.

Very silky and light, I am guessing rabbit fur of some sort. Not artificial given the tufts have a definite endpoint. So, hmmmph. No signs of struggle though, no scuffed dirt very peculiar...then further the south bed...


Looks kind of like something hopped right? Given my observation of my cat I would say that is the print of a cat jumping to the top of the wall. As I said, no signs of a fight or chase, just the fluff then this. No signs of 'digging' so here's my Sherlock Holmes deduction: One of the feral cats caught a rabbit, possibly a  young one in a single leap, hence all the fluff but no struggle. I didn't check for paw prints from the scene of the crime to the exit point but will look later. The mighty hunter then traveled to this point and jumped up the wall to make off to their lair.

A few things missing from this is the radishes and carrot seedlings don't show signs of being walked over, no other foot prints. Hmmm. Not sure if that could be coming down though now. Still no other foot prints elsewhere. Oh and nothing showed signs of being eaten by a rabbit either.

Mysteries in the garden!

I brought down some apple peel and tangerine peel to put in the compost heap. Changed my mind about the tangerine peels and put them around the radishes hoping that whatever is eating them will eat the peels instead. 

They certainly are growing nicely though! Pill bugs and slugs/snails will be attracted to the smell of the decaying peels rather than the radishes hopefully. I forgot to cover up the apple peel unfortunately but oh well. 

I salvaged two jars from the spaghetti sauce we used the other night so will be able to do a soil test soon.

Oh yes and yet another plant from the other garden. A random Aeonium cutting. Really? 

 Well that's enough for today, There is pizza on the menu for lunch and then maybe doing that soil test.

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