Friday, March 4, 2022

It rained much to my surprise!

 Woke up this morning to a very wet ground and cloudy skies. Well that takes care of watering today!

Cooler weather which is the opposite of what I said yesterday lol. Go figure, this is San Diego, it is never a linear progression of temperature and conditions. My sinuses have been going nuts the last few days so I guess that's what was causing it.

The garden is being garden so I decided to take some pictures of other stuff as well. Got a notfication that I had used 90% of my google photos account and needed to delete some things from oh.. six years ago. Will have to check some of my regular blog posts and see if there's anything missing.

Anyway, Bougainvillea is blooming like crazy and without a professional camera to fix the exposure, the flowers aren't close to what they look like for real. I did enable HDR and the picture quality is much better than before.

These are actually much redder than they look. If I am not mistaken this could be a Barbara Karst variety which the flower bracts start out more red than they look and fade to more pinkish tinted.

Another flower that is continuing to bloom it's branches off are the Bird of Paradise. I meant to take a picture of them before the blue faded but this one is all I was able to get.

Wonderful contrast and a few days ago there were six flowers that all had just opened so the colors were especially vibrant.

My garden, in contrast, is brown and green. That's all. No color on the tomatoes yet but the cilantro and radishes are loving this weather and rain!

I've got a few more weeks before the radishes are big enough to pull and at least a few months before the carrots are ready.'Grow peas, radish and beans, they grow fast!' Right... not in my garden.

The lemon bush is blooming of course, and it appears that someone picked all the fruit off which from what I recall most weren't ready but whatever. It's not my bush.

Oh, I decided throw out the green onions I had in water because they were getting too tall and I could never remember to take them with me to plant. I took them out of the water and paused, hoping to just rinse them off and take them with me to the garden then changed my mind and threw them away. Bad me. Could have put them in the south or potato bed. I keep forgetting I can use my EBT for buying seeds and starts at places like Walmart or Target (though Target doesn't have much in the way of a garden department anymore). Most garden places don't charge tax on vegetables anyway because it's considered food but still, it's money from a different pocket.

Looks like the rain clouds are moving back in again. Was able to get out and do errands and check the garden before they came and it's a bit breezy which makes for wonderful spring weather. 

I love it when there's a rainstorm coming in and you can see the clouds looking all dark and ominous but where you are standing or sitting it is still sunny. That is spring weather. Calm before the storm.

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And.... rampaging mammals again.

 We got some serious rain over the week. Some places reported almost four inches! I don't know how much we got but it was a nice gentle ...