Sunday, April 24, 2022

It's warming up again so watering was done

 It's supposed to get up to 86 today, I think it might get a tad warmer since it's already 81 at noon. Supposed to be 90 tomorrow so yes, watering had to be done. The tomatoes are ripening and splitting still, just can't win on those. Wondering if putting them in the south bed would work better next time since it gets a bit more shade they'll mature slower and be shaded in the afternoon. No matter what I won't put tomatoes in that bed just in case there are nematodes in there. 

There is a lot of space between the marigolds so plenty of room to put plants. Those peas are plodding along and should be twice as big so I think it's getting too hot for them and will  yank them out when it cools down at the end of the week.

The lettuce seedlings behind the potatoes are in a growth spurt I think and unfortunately with the warm weather I might loose them. If I have time tomorrow morning I'll put the cheese cloth over them using the potato as a prop.

These are shorter and more sturdy due to being in a sunny spot compared to the shaded ones for sure.

Oh and I thinned out three more carrots and the roots are still looking good thankfully. On to the compost pile they went because that is the cycle of the garden.

I also got a closer look at the roses that are blooming that I thought were Double Delight... once again spoke too soon because it is not. The fragrance is wrong and the coloring is not the same.

Tiffany has more pink to it, this has a cream base and again, looking at it I remember seeing it at the nursery but that was so long ago I just can't remember it. Chicago Peace maybe definitely not actual Peace rose. I wish I had my rose encyclopedia handy right now. I left it for the nursery unfortunately because I figured they would need it more than I would.

Anyway, garden is gardening and the weather is slowly warming up to summer. Gonig to be another whopper i suspect and will see what happens with the garden.

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