Saturday, April 23, 2022

A mistaken identity and a walk in a park

 The spouts that were coming that I thought were onions. I don't think they're onions, I think they might be very very late marigolds

I know I planted onions, radishes, carrots and the lettuce there. I might have thrown in some marigolds... the leaves are similar just longer due to being in the shade. I nipped off the end of one of the leaves and smelled it, nothing.If it were radish or onion it would have a smell. Even marigolds have a scent but this may be small enough to not have any right now.

Can't wait for the carrots to get big enough to pull! Have to be patient as the tops need to get at least 18" and the shoulders showing to pull them. 

The shorter peas are falling over when I water so I have to reposition them and hope the wind doesn't blow them around much.

Potatoes are plodding along and so are the tomatoes. Jon and I discovered a new park not far from us and we had a lovely walk along the path bordering a stream. Lots of native plants and some that weren't at Mast Park. There was a full dog park and a disk golf course as well but the weather was very windy so props to the few guys that were out there tossing frisbees in high wind.

Palo Verde on the left
Cleveland Sage on the right

White Lady Banks' Rose.
Running native grass
So. Cal Milk Vetch

Took me a bit to find the name of the Milk Vetch, I knew the family just not the specific variety. I saw the name of the grass on a board but all I remembered is Running something Grass. Very cool layout of the park and the weather was perfect. It had little to know tree cover on the path so it was great for breezy or partly cloudy weather, not so much for our hot inland summers.

Lovely day over all and what I originally wanted to do was find the library that was near there because the county libraries were giving out packets of seeds for Earth Day. Couldn't find the library but found the park. I'll call it a win.

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