Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Weather change coming, wind is up.

 Another beautiful day for sure. A bit windier than yesterday so that is a definite sign weather is going to change. Today was an off day for schedule, wanted to go to storage and work on consolidating but my sweetie wasn't feeling good so putting that off until tomorrow.

I did get out and water, wondering if the potatoes are making spuds underground and that's why they aren't growing much on top.

The lettuce sproutlings aren't growing very quickly either but that is a multiple factor situation for them. Too hot, low organic soil and not enough shade. The peas and carrots on the other hand are still going good. I took pictures after watering on some of these so excuse them looking a bit haggard.

You can see the puddle from watering in the north bed, every time I see it and the flat soil I want to chew it up and make it look better. The marigolds wouldn't survive though so it has to stay as it is. Everything just holding steady, day to day change is not that much. I did get a 'reasonable' long distance photo of the hawk that was being chased by the crows. It landed in one of the nests in the tree and the crows are still complaining about it being there.

Much, MUCH better picture of the bourgainvillea. If i zoomed in the balance went all wonky but this has better color and is just incredible. Wonderful sight as we come down the stairs every day.

Still daydreaming about the house and garden I saw. Five or six rectangle raised beds, one circular one, one was completely packed with bearded iris. They must be a collector or grow them for selling, the circular beds look like a strawberry garden. At least three or four of the beds are completely empty but look well tended. 

Oh the things I could plant there. A proper garden.

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