Monday, April 18, 2022

Weather continues to hold but warmer.

 Apparently we might get some the near future. For now it's clear, breezy and warm, just as I like it.

Soil is holding moisture well overnight, I didn't get out to the garden until after noon but decided to douse the north bed and the potatoes. 

I overwatered the north bed a bit because I was trying to adjust the stakes for the tomato and didn't realize it was pointing on the bed. Oops, won't need water tomorrow I think. Still just marigolds coming up in that bed. In order for me to use the EBT card for buying veggies and seeds I have to shop at somewhere like Walmart or Target that has a garden department. No biggie, there's one about five minutes down the road just trying to justify getting them is all.

It's got at least six inches above the cage and really reaching. That bottom picture makes it look like it's twined around the other cage but it isn't. Might just have to spend a few dollars and get what I need today or tomorrow. Keep saying that but something always comes up or I do something else.

I first started this garden on May 23 of last year so it's almost been a full year and I've learned a lot about this garden specifically and what I thought I knew and could do vs what I can do and have money for. I decided to start it after I became unemployed and figured out I had days and hours of time to do what I always wanted to do. I love working in the garden and along with that, love telling people about how and what to do in the garden that works and didn't work for me. I love flowers and being able to grow them myself and see gardens that are even more successful than mine.

Can't wait to go back to the rose garden in Balboa Park for more pictures of the roses. But back to my garden.

Given more money I would have a much better garden than I do, as I've moaned about previously. Hoping to get good news this week and next month hopefully more good news. So much needs to be done so little money to do it with.

One thing that dawned on me is, if you are going to buy supplies for your garden, buy extra. Not necessarily soil but that is a thing. If you're going to be planting peas or beans, get an extra trellis net than what you need. If you're planting tomatoes, figure out your space and make a fence not a cage (I have realized that for most large varieties cages are worthless). If you need stakes, buy an extra three or four if you have room to store them and always try to buy more fertilizer ahead of the season. All this advice, but I can't do any of it due to my situation.

I found another mobile home in Oregon that has raised beds and garden space already set up. Oh what I could do with those beds and there was a double layer circular bed that I imagined growing flowers and bulbs in. Sigh.

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