Sunday, April 10, 2022

Weather shift again and allergies kick in.

 So it was cooler yesterday right? Well it was a bit windy last night and I thought 'nice, the weather is changing'. I woke up with sinus congestion yesterday and took meds, today... it's this:

Well at least I didn't have to water. I'm also up earlier than usual so the day is going to be longer but the garden is at least managed for the day.

 The tomatoes are just all over the place! Some of the branches still showing signs of mites so will be out there spraying later on since it's not so windy and cool. I found one small red tomato but it had mite damage and oops, threw it over to the compost pile. Will have to fish it out later.

You can see the difference in the color of the dirt. I decided to dig around the potatoes and pile up more soil around them then remembered I had planted some marigold and lettuce seeds. I need seed markers for sure.

The lettuce is coming up behind the closer potato and unfortunately cut into a couple of worms and a marigold that was coming up. Still plenty of time to get more of those so not worried.

Just hope that the potatoes actually produce something by summer.

I thinned the lettuce in the south bed, checked the peas and then did some careful weeding in the north bed.

This is a good comparison shot between marigold and the noxious weed grass. Center top is the grass, down and slightly right is the marigold. Grass is more pointy leaf and usually comes out one leaf first then the pair. There was also purslane coming up everywhere, luckily when they're small it's easy to just scrap the soil with the trowel to get them out.

I also put two more sticks next to the pea in the north bed because, sure I gave it support but there are two side branches with tendrils that are going in opposite directions.

And only now did I remember the extra tomato cages. I need a flat trellis for them dangit, will have to do remedial trellising later in the week. Just hope the weather doesn't heat up too fast or they'll be toast by the time they're supposed to flower. 

Maybe I'll do more flowers this year instead of veggies, then again, bell peppers are easy enough to grow when it's the right time of year. I should still have some of those seeds and if not, will get some when I get more marigolds and trellising The iris(es) are still in bud, the big bearded one and a yellow Dutch type in another bed.

And in planter near the office and under the stairs a huge aeonium is in bloom (bad angle unfortunately), the purple trumpet vine is putting out more flowers and a sad looking epiphylum is putting out a huge bud.

 A classic case of surviving rather than thriving. It needs to be in a bigger pot and given some fertilizer, poor thing.

The Collared Doves are doing their thing with the Mourning Doves still. Cute sound but not at 6 a.m. when you want to go back to sleep. From my research the Collared doves were escapees from a pet shop burglary from the 1970's in the Bahamas of all places. The owner decided to just release the 50 he had left from the break in. Others were released on the island of Guadalupe when there was an eruption threat of the volcano there. They migrated to the US and are now found all over spreading from Florida as their likely first landfall.

So all this wishy washy timey-wimey weather stuff needs to just settle down so my sinuses aren't going crazy anymore. Still longing for a place with a view of forest or at least larger trees and more regular weather that fits the time of year.

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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...