Wednesday, May 25, 2022

And nature is starting to invade

 A healthy garden is an invitation to all manner of pests that want to take advantage of it. In this case, I saw a divot in the empty bed that looked like a footprint. All by itself with maybe another in the corner where I usually park the trowel.

The divot in the corner is actually where my trowel was but the other one is not. It is definitely a depression rather than a scrape and yet...examining the larger foot print it really looks like someone stepped in it and I don't recall doing that. It was also done in the last eighteen hours because it was done when the soil was dry.

There was a smell when I got close... sigh. Stupid cats... I didn't notice the smell until I got close to dig the soil and level it out again. Looks like I do have to water after all and put deterrents in place. Moving on....

Nothing in the other beds at least at soil level. That potato is not as healthy looking as it should be, might be closer to harvest time than I thought. Taking pictures of the pea and saw this....

Normally I would kill on sight, grasshoppers serve no other purpose than to wreak havoc in a garden with their munching. For some reason I decided to make a pact with it. Don't chew my plants and you won't be cut in half with my pruners.

That pea is busting out with flowers so that makes me happy, the grasshopper puts a damper on that because it could literally demolish a quarter of that plant. They normally hang out in undisturbed fields with dry brush that camouflages it but hanging out on a green stake next to a green pea plant... I almost did miss it. There are dry weeds in the corner and the jade plant is a nice hiding place but .... it decided to hide in plain sight.

The other peas will be ready soon, not quite fat enough to be harvested and I am hoping that the heat coming up isn't going to spoil the flowers on the big and little plants.

I need a garden helper to take pictures while I point out things. Also daylight reflecting off and obscuring my phone screen is not conducive to good pictures.

So I watered and walking back noticed the lilies are in bloom again.

Again, hard to see but they should be in bloom in a few days and easier to see their white trumpets.

Garden related and yet fan related as well

It is Star Wars week, being the anniversary of it premiering in 1977 I got an idea. I want to have a yard or garden big enough to trace out the rebel symbol in flowers. Has to be large enough to make it show which means a minimum of 8x8 feet. I will plot that out another time, currently dealing with low blood sugar and am a bit cranky. 

Gardening is my oasis and will continue to be even if I don't have a yard.

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