Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Interrupted gardening and another good guy

 I had to make an important call this morning and gave them my number for a call back, well wouldn't you know it came as I was watering the garden, so not too many pictures plus some from yesterday evening when I went out to water. Which I didn't.










Dirt was still moist enough I wasn't going to water, you can see the color difference. Really hard to get a picture of a tiny spiderling that is the size of a pin head in breezy weather and unsteady hands. I even tried to use my magnifying glass on my phone but that was even worse trying to get it focused. Anyway, hope the little thing survived the night because it wasn't there this morning. Orb weavers are annoying and scary but beneficial in the garden. Not going to get any further pictures for those that might have an aversion to arachnids.

Watered as well as I could before I got the call back and am continuing to debate on whether to pull the lettuce and potato. Must....resist....have....patience. This is why you plant radishes and other fast growing things so you have some satisfaction of harvesting while other things are still poking along. Last night I was moving dirt from the hole getting a little too deep and uncovered the spudling, covered it again, hence the divot and mound in the bottom of the hole. Potatoes are the epitomy of patience in the garden. Oh something else is creeping into the bed from the back, more purslane that I intended to pull but... phone call. Will deal with it tonight. (Swallowtail butterfly just drifted past my window, yay!)

Going to go make something to eat and hopefully be able to think clearer for garden decisions.

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