Monday, May 30, 2022

Another lovely day, technology is not

 Had Memorial day potluck lunch with other residents but was able to get out and water the garden before that. Got up early enough for a shower and garden despite not being able to sleep well last night

Thought I took more pictures but it only shows four. Hmmph. Checking again in a minute. Still thinking seriously of putting some strawberry plants out. Prime planting for them right now with a long warm season ahead. They do like a good mulch around them though and that's one thing I don't have. 

Meanwhile in the garden this morning and afternoon:

 First off, I'm not entirely sure what this is. could be fungus, could be a plant. Given the warm weather and amount of water I've been putting on the soil, fungus is an option. It wasn't there the other day when I watered and only noticed it today. For all the world it almost looks like bean sprouts, didn't want to touch them if they were fungus so will see what they look like tomorrow. 

 (Photos on Blogger aren't cooperating so it's taking me twice as long to post apparently there is a google photos update and I can see my photos everywhere else but here. Page wasn't connecting to the cloud apparently)


The purslane is starting to creep back in after I hacked at it the other day. Must have missed that clump. You can see the two potatoes left behind and the lettuce continues to do well. Just might grab those tomorrow and use in a salad to finish them off. I did say I have no patience for potatoes right?

Difference in the direction with afternoon light. Only about 1:30 or 2 and the shadow from the building and trees is already on the north bed. I watered in the morning and you can see the color is still there in wet soil. 


Almost there! getting some good size on them but the pods themselves are still a bit small. Meanwhile on the other plant:

I tried to smell the flower but a whif of stench from the garden entrance where something pooped hit me at the wrong moment. Grrrr. They don't really have a scent themselves, unlike sweet peas which, I swear, I want to plant in the fall this year. One of my favorite flowers because of their smell and my mom's favorite as well.

I should have some flowers before the end of June! Yay! The peppers are perking along and looking great so far may not have anything from them until end of summer at this rate.

As soon as I get some money I'll spare a few dollars for the strawberries, fertilizer and chives. As for later, I've pointed out the wonderful colors of sweet peas and will try and just make a flower garden in the south bed with some lettuces for the fall.

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