Monday, May 2, 2022

Definitely a gopher and minor interference.

 Went out to the garden and one of the gentlemen that helps with gardening was watering the lawns then got to the veggie garden and..he had taken the liberty of watering the beds. Not completely but sigh. 

This means I need to watch my carrots very carefully and hope they don't get eaten either.  This is very disturbing and potentially frustrating.

The transplants are fine thankfully and so far, everything else is doing good, just waiting for the other seedlings to get a bit bigger so I can transplant those as well. 

See how the potatoes were only watered on the front? He probably didn't see the lettuce at the back that needs it more. The managers were out at the patio so I told them about the watering but forgot to mention the gopher. Hopefully they'll inform the gentleman to not water the gardens as they're being taken care of thank you. It's kind of an invasion of my space like someone just walking into your house. It's obvious the beds are growing and being tended to so why go and water when it's not yours to take care of?

And now the obligatory spring flower pictures (formatting is being cranky again)

That's a thriving 'Dr. Huey' and you can see it's a climber which proved to be the strongest for the needs of the rose growers. The boug is still thriving and there are other colors popping out on the other bushes which I forgot to take pictures of. 

A lot of people think the pink parts are petals but actually those are modified leaves, like on a poinsettia. The white centers are the actual flowers, botanists and others have studied the possible reasoning and the color contrast acts as a pinpoint target for pollinators, namely hummingbirds and butterflies that have a long enough tongue to get at the nectar. 

So there you have it, yet another invader and for the past year there has been no incursion of gophers and suddenly when I have carrots in the ground, there it is. Grumble.

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