Sunday, May 1, 2022

Hmmm, someone ate my lettuce and cilantro

 So once again got out late but it's another clear, sunny, blustery day. Very blustery and was enough so that the wind was blowing water around on me while I watered.

As for what's growing and what's not, 

My that's a lot blurrier than I expects, sorry about that. But it shows the difference between shade and sun grown once again. The shade bed is having some invader issues though and not happy about it.

Paw prints again and more lettuce has disappeared, then there's the cilantro that just fell over when I was watering and though, maybe it's just wet soil...nope. Chewed off under the soil.

I noticed it was mounded slightly under it and didn't remember it being that way... well there you go. No large hole that would indicate a gopher and the carrots are intact hmmm.

Now as for the new seedlings coming up, they're either peppers or beans and given their timing and leaf shape, I'm thinking peppers.

 So taking advantage of the now watered soil I decided to transplant there of the larger ones, two to the potatoes and one to the north bed.

Hosed down the tomato well again and when the time is right I'll cut down and yank that one. There were two bright spots of red among the brown leaves and they were very undersized but ripe which is another matter entirely.

That brown is actually dead leaf on it but the other one wasn't much better and was about to toss them on the compost then realized they might have mites and held onto them. Then when I decided to take pictures and transplant the seedlings had to toss them on the ground... and forgot about them. Oh well.

I was going to use one of the green stakes for the pea in the south bed but when I looked at it I had very thoroughly wrapped green wire around it, sigh. Another time then. Hoping the seedlings not only survive but are peppers indeed and thus solves my quandary of saving seeds. Might do that anyway though. I seem to recall the bean secondary leaves being much bigger and these remind me of hot pepper leaves so there's that.

Plenty of room for everyone and just the right weather to push them along nicely.

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