Saturday, May 28, 2022

Okay now for the rest of my day

 Things are just going wonky. I can't take alleve for my arthritis anymore because it's upsetting my stomach so my hands and joints are getting stiff and painful. Makes it harder to go up and down stairs as well as typing. Just falling apart all over.

Meanwhile at the garden: Mostly cloudy today as I mentioned in my previous entry so that also makes for good photo lighting. Focus is still an issue.

Pretty much the same as yesterday, the peppers are still good, no sign of wilting from transplant. No sign of gopher or grasshopper but there was... digging near the potato bed.











 Discovered this day before yesterday and it's a bit too close for comfort.. The potato is looking really rough still and decided to water real thoroughly and will likely dig it up tomorrow. This soil is so deceptive. I watered what I thought was pretty well then dug around the potato and discovered it had only gotten wet about a 1/4 inch down. Drowning it is then.

I had a moment after I watered that maybe I could dig up the potato right then. I realized the soil was entirely too muddy to do that and it would be a mess so will wait until tomorrow. Really encouraged by the peas that are growing right now.

Still no grasshopper and who knows where the lizard went off to. On my way to the garden though, I saw this thing on the sidewalk. It looked familiar from something I saw before.

I want to say it's a Soldier Fly but the legs are throwing me off. Definitely a fly and it wasn't moving so not really concerned about it, just curious. Soldier Fly larva are bad for compost but used as feeder bugs for frogs and lizards. I've had to identify hundreds of bugs working at the nursery and go through the same criteria list with them as identifying plants. Won't go into detail but size, legs, head/eye type and wings are all things to identify something.

With that, garden will settle overnight and will dig the potatoes tomorrow. Hate to do it so early but the plant is looking really pathetic. I took the three remaining tomatoes from my plant down to the table after they ripened so those are gone. The two potatoes I got from the other plant are in the cupboard waiting for more to fix as a snack or with a meal. I love potatoes and Yukon Golds are wonderful by themselves.

Looks like I'm hungry again, off to the kitchen to scrounge for food.

Corn? Maybe I could grow corn? Nahhh.

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