Saturday, June 4, 2022

Not in a good mood but gardening done

 Mood explanation will be on my other page but this is for gardening. Clear and sunny today, it's warming up even more and still the breeze persists thankfully.

I decided to pick most of the peas on the little plants because one that was not completely pollenized was turning brown. Almost forgot to take pictures before I started watering and boy howdy did I water!

Those plants are going to get pulled tomorrow and won't have any money for new plants or seeds for a while. I'm going to have one full empty bed from the potatoes and the north bed will look mostly empty.

I can only hope the other peas taste better than the small ones. I threw out the ones I shucked from the pods.

Cooler weather for sure on those next time. One thing I didn't mention last post was lizard holes near the potato bed. No squirrels around, I know what gopher holes look like and given the two or three I saw yesterday..gotta be lizards.

That's okay, they don't eat my plants and take care of any other bugs in the garden. I'm good with that and now fully realize how many lizard holes we had around our house when I was growing up.

Also the other lady decided to prune her tomato plant and just tossed the branches in the dirt. Not observant that one. I started watering the pile then decided to collect the leaves and toss them in the corner. They looked like they had fungus on them and was not going to put that in the compost pile. Not that it will make a difference because it's just a pile of dirt and stuff right now. Good habit to get into though.

Also something else...a snail/slug trail in the dirt yesterday.

Yes. that's what that line is. Crossing the desert that one is, going from the log pile to the other lady's beds. I double checked to see if I could pick it up and it had no way of getting it, the dried slime was that fragile.

 I mentioned I watered thoroughly didn't I? I dug around with my hand in there and had to add an extra log on the back as a dam along with some mud to pack it in. Now if I could only plant something there. I was loosening the soil for a couple of reasons, taking out my mood and finding any small rocks or pebbles that needed removing. Might take the shovel to it tomorrow or the next day to try and distribute the compost some more. Probably make a good tomato or squash bed really, but I'm done with doing seeds. Takes too long and with the way our weather is, have to plant months in advance to get good weather and then you end up with shortened season anyway... so whatever.

At least the marigolds will be in bloom before next weekend. Will have to let a few go to seed for next years plants despite what I just said, I will go by what I said before about saving seeds. I have tomatoes in the fridge I can get seeds from as well but those are seeds from my plant and am not pleased with how that turned out for a second season.

Everything is kind of up in the air anyway right now so it's always going to be a wait and see. It does make me smile to look out my window and see the bees in the blooms of the Jacaranda.

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