Friday, June 3, 2022

Peas are peaping...lilies are blooming

 Since it is June Gloom today with a lovely cool breeze, the soil still looked good enough to leave it for either this evening or tomorrow. Not going to waste water on bare dirt in the potato bed.

I saw at least two lizards skitter from the south beds to the log pile as I got to the garden, yay! Maybe saw another one on the logs but could have been a shadow. The lilies opened right on time as I thought they would.

Had to take a picture of the pepper plants because I can  now see new growth on them. I guess moving them around made them pause, which will happen. They focus on getting roots growing instead of tops and then as the two systems equalize they can start growing up again.

Most definitely the Marigolds will be blooming by next week. Then just have to wait and see if any butterflies show up. One of the other residents on the second floor has a yellow milkweed growing in a 5 gallon bucket. Since I saw a Monarch flitting around, here's hoping it noticed.

I took a chance and picked the larger pea pod, yah, not so large huh? I nudged one pea out and it had a bitter aftertaste so not ripe. The rest of the pods stay on until further notice and even if they do ripen correctly they will be tiny and not as flavorful. The other plant though:











At least a dozen or more pods on this plant with still more flowers coming on. The pods are still rather small and I'm hoping that's just the variety rather than situation. It's prolific I can certainly attest to that.

I did notice though, the plant was starting to brown at the bottom and then saw definite signs of mildew drat it! Not very good pictures but peas are susceptible to mildew and that is apparently a prime spot for it since the zucchini got it as well. Might have to look into whatever plant I put there is mildew resistant.

The brown stem is the longest and oldest one, I only hope that it can hold on until the pods are ready. I could use the neem oil on it as I do have some left but will do that in the morning. I am now realizing I watered the actual plant the other day and wondering if that is partly at fault with the weather.

I stirred the soil in a few spots in the potato bed, tossed the old seedling spud on the compost pile along with the other small one. I have one that's sprouting in the cupboard if I wanted to plant more. I still want to plant chives or onions and checked the other onions in the neighbor bed but the seeds weren't ready yet. Most likely she will be pulling the whole thing, but I remembered the other onion that was growing by the office and that was in a similar flower state so have to wait on that. That one definitely is a red onion which is cool.

When you start gardening and are on a very limited budget like me, you start to look for free veggies and seeds anywhere you can get them. I can remember working at both the garden center and HD and finding seed packets that had been ripped open and the seeds missing. Honestly, priorities are very wierd. I will not resort to stealing seeds because the need is not that great. If you are stealing seeds you  must be wired differently to find that necessary. I just remembered I have (had?) Burgundy onion seeds!  

Okay checking seed inventory, the ones in the north bed are possibly the 'Little Marvel' variety, hence being shorties. The tall one is 'Green Arrow' and is a normal six foot vine. The pods most definitely are not going to be 4" as the package attests. I do have the Red Burgundy onion seeds left as well as the (from store bought) red bell pepper seeds. More carrots and radishes than I will ever have room for or eat. The onions will have to wait for another few months, I also have lettuce seeds left so my fall/winter crops are pretty much set. Going to need more compost in the soil before I consider the carrots and radishes again.

Bees are still buzzing in the tree and the breeze is keeping things cool. Carry on!

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