Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Another one down. I just don't know what to do.

 Got out before noon because it was going to be 90 at noon. This is the sight that greeted me.

There's almost not enough to care about anymore. I didn't even bother to water because the mulch is doing the job for me but this is so disheartening. That was the smaller of the two peppers but had some that were growing on it. I pulled it out and tossed it in the corner.

More holes in the gopher bed of course. So the game plan when this season is over is to give up. Seriously. I don't have the money or energy to do what needs to be done, the maintenance guy doesn't care, and neither does the other lady with her equally pathetic garden. 

It's just a hobby and an experiment which turned out to be a dismal failure this year and just can't do what needs to be done. 

If I am extremely lucky and that wire barrier did the job that bed may be my only hope. Putting that in is a two person job really and I may have a person in my life but he is not a gardener nor is an outdoors guy. 

The cucumber and beans may survive this year but produce is another matter entirely. The last sunflower may never see a bloom if the gopher decides it's next on the table. The other pepper, yeah that's toast as well. When the bed is empty not going to bother digging there, it's not as soft and deep as the other bed.

Time to throw in the trowel. Unless someone wants to fund my garden as well as my living expenses at this point, my personal gardening experience is no more. I'll be posting about flowers and plants and bug trivia instead of pictures of my garden.

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