Monday, August 15, 2022

Nothing really new just grumpy

Couldn't cool down enough last night so I woke up grumpy. Walked Rocky then checked on the garden. We are closed up from the heat already because it's going to be 90 in about an hour. I didn't get out last night to water because I got busy with other things and next thing I knew it was dark.

There was no discernible damage to the leaves from spraying except for the leaf on the bean plant. The stick was moved as I knew it would be.

That is shoved almost all the way out and the tunnel was blocked, everything was very sad but despite the heat I watered everything, including the gopher, I mean the fence bed.

More tendrils on the short cucumber and had to position the side branch on the larger one again. Leaves are spotty on the cuke from the leafminer and maybe white fly or lace bugs. I jiggled the vine and splashed water on the flowers to hopefully stimulate it to produce female flowers.

Gods if even half those flowers were producing fruit I would be buried in cucumbers. But nope, another failure despite feeding and care. Since the short one was putting out more tendrils I decided to use one of the cages to support it.

Yes I contemplated putting it in upside down then realized there wasn't any support for keeping it from falling over so put it in the right way as deep as I could. The legs toward the wall went in no problem, gee wonder why, the front leg on the left ran into something, I paused thinking, it's good then pushed on it a bit more and it popped down.

I now realize why some 'tomato' cages are a straight cylinder. Things like beans and cucumbers need to have that equidistant spacing to stay centered. This cage is a cone which means it will favore the two front legs for support which is okay if a little lopsided. Whatever works right?

 Hope it wasn't a gopher that I pinned under ground. Then again.... nah, there wasn't any vibration or jiggling that would tell me I hit something live so probably a clump of dirt. I would feel both bad and good at the same time if I ended up killing the gopher by chance. 

The only things I have little to no remorse about killing is bugs and sometimes spiders. Spiders are good things, just not in my house. Bugs (harmful ones not beneficial) that get on me or my plants are definitely targets. I will never, ever willingly kill a furry or feathered animal unless by accident or in self defense. I think that's true of most people. I kit a roadrunner in the middle of nowhere Arizona doing 80 or 90 so no help for that, it was crossing the road and for whatever reason decided to double back and commit suicide by car.

Anyway, I digress.  It's going to be one of those weeks I can tell.

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