Monday, August 29, 2022

Days are blending together

 I almost forgot to post today! Went out in the evening when it was cool and remembered pictures I had taken yesterday. Ooops!

It's going to be in the extreme heat for the next few days but the evenings are positively pleasant! first up though, an interloper..or rather looper.

Saw the damaged leaves and didn't take long to find the fat green looper worm that caused it. Pulled it off and chucked it over the wall without taking a picture. I pulled a couple of leaves off the cucumber hoping it would shock it into making better flowers.

Still no luck with female fruit on there yet so it's going to be a dud I suspect this year.

We took a trip to storage to see if there was anything we could pull out and sell or give away. Much too much work to do for now and Jon asked if I wanted to take the raised bed to storage. I gave it a good consideration and said no. There's still hope for having a garden.


Life finds a way. I mentioned that this camellia got hacked back a while ago but also that they grow back quickly. It's already regrowing and I can only hope they don't hack it back again any time soon.

It is now much later than I had intended to post this but things happen. More tomorrow as usual.

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