Sunday, August 28, 2022

Combining photos, nothing different.

 From here on out weather is going to warm up to the 90's for a week. More often than not I'll be going out in the evening for my main checking and do a quick cursory look in the morning.

The prospective bed for the new garden. Scraped and dug and leveled best I could. It's not sloped for sure but if they want it level level, that's going to be difficult. Plenty of room to work with but still a long ways off from getting a usable raised bed. Gravel underneath? Not a chance, but will definitely be sure to use that poultry netting on there before things get going.

Biiig difference, I watered everything that needed it this morning and hope that the pepper isn't going to give up entirely. Having that kind of fluctuation on a plant is not good, much like it is for us and animals. The soil being in the bucket heats up faster in the root zone than if it were in the ground. I also moved it to the mulched bed for better drainage. Discovered two earwigs and a worm underneath. I watered them too.

The picture on the left is to illustrate the shifting of the shadows. That was taken around 11 am and the shade has covered the bed completely compared to a month ago that only did it by half. All the sun those plants are getting is coming in the early morning. Looking for pictures from a month ago and saw one from two weeks ago and at 11:45 there was more sun on that bed by half. Fall is coming according to the sun.

The brown caterpillar looking thing is I believe a Delphastus beetle larva that is mowing through the aphids. Might be a Lacewing larva as well but in any case, nature is taking care of pests on their own. There are a few tiny ants going through there as well because they're 'farming' the aphids for the nectar. All you guys crawling around, get to pollinating my plant!
Maybe I need to stress it out like pick a couple of leaves off or something. Shock it into making female flowers.

This is the shorter cucumber and the tip is covered in aphids dripping their honeydew everywhere. Need more beetles and their babies to take care of it.

Other than that, it's a waiting game still. Waiting for the weather, waiting for money, waiting for ...yeah basically it.

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