Friday, August 19, 2022

She's opening! No water needed of course.

 Despite the wilting don't need to water and due to things happening online around the time the sun sets still can't get out there in time. The anxticipation is still there though, not too many pictures today.

The lone survivor of the gopher purging, not counting the one on the corner. I am officially broke now so there's no way to get supplies to take care of the bugs. 

Everyone is still hanging in there in the south bed. The nubs you see are from me breaking off leaves, not cucumbers sadly. I did see a type of small black stripe bee or bee imitating fly trying to get to the flowers so I'm glad I staked it up otherwise that runner would be on the ground. The beans, I hope they get going soon. Might be a fall harvest for them as slow as they're growing.

 I might try and rig up some shade somehow on the north bed for that little bean. I had hoped the other three or four would have sprouted but oh well. It's a good day when nothing goes wrong and plants are growing well. The south bed really is a better side to grow things in the summer and the north bed in the winter. Half day shade and all that, conducive to better growing.

And someone finally trimmed the roses in the community bed. A bit late but better than not.

Okay off for lunch and might, might not need to close up today but I doubt it.

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