Thursday, August 18, 2022

The anxticipation is gowing.

 Yes that's my new word. 

We slept with AC on last night because by midnight it as still a stuffy 84 in the bedroom. It's cooling down lower at night now but that's usually in the wee hours of the morning with very little to no breeze. Need airflow at  night so fan is always on.

Okay, now for a definition:

anxticipation- the feeling of anticipating an event or situation that is more anxious in it's base emotion than elation or happiness.

That is my feeling now seeing the sunflower opening up. Yellow is showing and it will be in full bloom by the end of the weekend. If the gopher doesn't decide it's a midnight snack.

I watered well this morning, chasing off the lace bugs again. That's what's causing all the stippling on the leaves from their little puncturing mouth parts. Everything else was unchanged, cucumber is continuing to thrive as well as the beans.

Just wish the flowers would produce something gosh darn it! Like the zucchini it will not likely produce until closer to fall which is when powdery mildew starts and ruins the plant.

I just love how the tendrils reach out and make it look like a suspense scene in an action movie. Had to shift the lower branch running on the ground to try and get it to latch onto the chicken wire. It may end up going beyond the bounds but not worried about it running into anything.

This rose was blooming in front of the building near the garden. I recognized it immediately as Angel Face. I grew one and it's been one of my favorites ever since. Being a purple it has wonderful fragrance and I so wanted to cut one of the flowers but left them for everyone to enjoy. I know I would be upset if someone cut one of them off so I won't be that person.

I won't mention anything more about holes in the garden this time because the rose and sunflower are brightening my day immensely. Oh, Rocky chased a lizard that startled another lizard on a wall. If he hadn't been on the leash he might have caught it. Before it ran up the wall that is.

There are so many things in my life that are not positive that I get overwhelmed and forget about the positive things. I have a wonderful partner and best friend, a cat that drives us crazy a good portion of the time, a roof over our heads and food in the cupboards and fridge. That is more than many others have but I could wish for more so that I don't have to worry about not having all that.

Sunflowers and roses, lizards and sunshine. That's what I've got at the moment to make me smile inside.

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