Saturday, August 27, 2022

Temperature makes a difference.

 So it's breezy and a 'little' cooler today, will see how long we hold out before having to close up. I did get out last night and check on things. No major disruptions but did make a change or two.

Just for nothing better to do I started scraping the mulch off the fence bed. Managed to fill the bucket again, the rest can stay in there when I level it.If you can see the series of small holes, that was me probing the soil with the stick for the tunnel direction. Gopher tunnels are rarely straight lines.

I decided to rip out the pepper in the ground because there were no flowers, it seemed to be getting worse and not at all like the one in the bucket. The roots just were not going out very far or they were chewed.

Now today when I went out at noon, that bucket pepper looked completely different.










 Most people would panic and grab the hose, I know I watered really well day before yesterday so am not going to touch it because when I go out this evening, if it looks like the top picture, I'm leaving it alone.

If that chair and tank sprayer were known to be abandoned they would be in the trash right now. They aren't mine, not sure if the owner is even in the complex anymore. It just adds to the trash look of the garden and makes it look like no one cares. I need to have something I can improve ya know?

Plants and their care and details have been a part of my life for close to thirty years. That's a career and professionally it was my job. I wanted to keep doing it for a much longer time but life and all that changes things. I ne thing I've learned is nature waits for no one. It has it's own schedule and will do what it's doing until something changes. It's not entropy because there is life and death in some way or another.

Meanwhile, seasons change and the parrots came through trashing the sycamore trees again. I heard the hawks calling so am looking forward to next years nesting. If we're here.

Oh there was a tiny beetle climbing on the cucumber. The first name that came to mind was a Delphastus beetle'which is a beneficial that eats aphids, whitefly and other pests. Hot diggity if that weren't what it was! My brain still works! There are aphids and whitefly on that plant so a beneficial has found it's way there!

The adult and the larvae eats whitefly at all stages and also eat aphids no matter the size. So no help for the leaf miner but at least other pests are being dealt with. Yay !

Good things in the garden after all.

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