Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Watered and other developments

It isn't ferociously hot but for some reason it just feels like it. High 80's and into 90 today and that is just too warm for us anymore. I realize that even the Northwest is getting hotter in the summer but at least it isn't for as long as we have it down here.

So  I watered without even checking the soil. The plants told me enough.

You can see the gloves down at the bottom with my scoop because I was going to add more mulch. Well me being the wimp, didn't. I left my gloves and scoop in the bucket at the back and hope to get out at dusk when it's cooler.

The plants are being left alone so far but a new hole and dirt movement in the other bed. 

Here is something interesting that a lot of people don't understand. The bean on the left is in the shade for the most part, leaves are open and gathering in as much light as possible. The bean in the front has closed up its leaves and the reason is protection. It is reducing the amount of surface area that would lose water from evaporation/transpiration. This is it's way of surviving when it's hot and thirsty. When it gets to the point of wilt, it's too far. You can see the cucumber leaves are a bit limp and that is for the same reason, it can't pull up water fast enough to replace what it's losing. Be like the bean and close up during the heat.

Dirt moved into the hole finally, obvious signs of activity with another hole plugged. I ran water in the first one for close to a minute with no backing up. Hope I got it wet enough to move on.

A bean sprout has found its way to the surface! The one that I inadvertently dug up before putting mulch down actually. Go little bean sprout go! There are significant buds forming on the cucumber as well. Hard to tell but that cluster of leaves toward the bottom has a flower bud it looks like and another one further up so yay!

Just wish the wind wasn't hot because we  have a good breeze going right now and it's going to be 90 outside in about two hours so we're going to have to close up. Hang in there little plants!


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