Monday, August 1, 2022

No watering needed.

 Got an even earlier start due to not sleeping well. It was too warm and the fan wasn't helping much. Going to be another sweltering day. There is a difference between 'sweltering' and 'scorching' and if you've lived in the southwest and west you know the difference.

The lawns were being watered so had to wait to get to the garden so I walked Rocky first and got some pictures of other things first. The guy 'Michael' who tried to be helpful and water my garden is the one taking care of that tree. He's cleared the grass around it really well now but hasn't done anything for it leaning. The downstairs neighbor 'Terry' has a very eclectic collection of plants in front of her place. She also has three or four windchimes that we love to hear when it's windy.

Cucumber tendrils latched on as expected and if the beans send out tendrils too then will have to use the other two poles and the other two plants will have to just bush. Kind of a bonus to have the cucumber climb first so the beans aren't smothered. Looks like another hole in that bed, it's a disaster for sure and if I had the energy and it was cooler I would get a bag or tarp, dig out all that dirt, lay down the wire mesh and put the dirt back in. That would give enough room for roots to grow and not have issues with the gopher. I think that's going to have to wait until fall or winter.
No watering needed today but will likely do it tomorrow. The mulch is drying out to the ground level quickly now and the soil is staying moist but it is warm not cool. I brought my gloves and the scoop to add more mulch but even at 10 am it was too hot to attempt any hard work.
Yes the peppers look wilty but that's air temperature causing it not lack of water in the soil by a long shot. The peppers themselves are growing still and may well get to full size for picking. the sunflowers are doing what they are named for, facing the sun as it moves across the sky. 
Happy, healthy sunflowers that should have a flower by the end of the week I hope. Both the ones in the back are doing great, the others I'm just going to have to pull, especially the two small ones. They're stunted for some reason and all I can think of is lack of fertilizer, maybe being in the shade from the peppers? The other big one on the corner does have some side buds showing but it's going to be in the way of walking and has to come out.  It should have had a flower by now look at the size of those leaves, but nooooo.

I tried to get a good close up of the bean terminal point but it's blurry. So much growth coming in there and flowers soon behind I hope. They're supposed to flower at the leaf axils (joints) at the stem so we'll see what happens. I am happy for what is growing in the garden but there could have been so much more. 

Oh I heard the maintenance guy 'Mike' (son of the owner and close to my age) talking with 'Michael'(close to my age on the older side) and having a chuckle (you know the kind where it's something they have no control over but it's humorous to them) about not much to be done about the gophers because they'll always be there. You don't know how to deal with them and don't care because you don't live here.

Anyway, I'm in a grumpy mood lately and slightly depressed about who knows what. Maybe I'm hungry.

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