Monday, August 8, 2022

Watering done and bell pepper used.

 Days are continually hot so I went as long as possible without watering. Somewhere some news report said we might get rain in the mountains and deserts. It is clear and not a cloud in the sky today. The plants are holding up well and no signs of further invasion. At least in the planted beds. Didn't get out early as hoped, can't seem to get to sleep until 1 am so end up sleeping in. Must be the heat.

 The cucumber looks like a Rhumba pole dancer. Lots of flowers still on the stem and can only hope to get some pollinator flowers out there by the end of the week. 

Sunflowers are just on the cusp of blooming, by the weekend for sure there should be some color. The peppers are the first to wilt due to how thin their leaves are. I used the pepper I picked in a rice and bean dish last night. It was perfectly fine just small.
 So everyone got a thorough watering and should be good for another two days.  I concentrated watering around the plants for the most part, didn't water the fence bed but noticed there was some dirt movement I don't recall doing myself.
That tunnel hole is filled in and I really don't remember doing that myself so gopher is on the move. Leave my plants alone please, you can play around in that empty bed all you want, I will buy plants to sacrifice to you just don't take my plants. Notice it hasn't eaten any of the weeds though? Spurge is in the euphorbia family and not a tasty treat at all. Unfortunately it doesn't have roots deep enough nor in quantity for a gopher to work for even if it was edible. The Gopher Purge plant can be as bad at taking over and don't want to do that.
Need to clean up the corner though, the tomato cages are making it look like a trash heap with the infested and dead tomato plants now on it.

On another note, when daydream searching for a home I am looking at specific things inside, like anyone should and then looking at the yard. If there are pictures. One description said, 'great view from back porch' but no pictures. Had to look at google maps to see that the back fence is actually looking out on a horse boarding pasture. Yeah, great view there. Another one was a great price, good location except the neighborhood was on a hill and the flattened areas for the mobile homes were just wide enough for walking on each side and maybe enough for a small porch on the back. Nothing really for good gardening. 

Also, so many properties have no fences. Nothing. These are all in the Northwest and it boggles my mind now being a city girl. My parents didn't have a fence around our property and we lived on the edge of a canyon in a suburb. But I'm talking about almost shoulder to shoulder homes with no fence between. Out in the rural areas maybe not having a fence is okay when your nearest neighbor is five minutes away but as a gardener, that lets deer, rabbits, all manner of wildlife on your property and if you're growing a garden that's bad. Either you have no fence and a fenced garden or vice versa.

Anyway, that's my tangent topic for the day. Stay cool out there folks!

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