Friday, August 12, 2022

Yep and still disgusted

 As I thought, even with the overnight cooling the pepper is still wilted but the sunflower recovered. Tunnels everywhere and I am not holding out for the lone bean plant in the north bed. First my evening visit turns up more bugs. Lacebugs to be exact on the sunflowers. The one that I thought was a goner miraculously recovered.

Despite the evening, that other pepper is not looking good and suspicion is another tunnel over there. I doused everything well and washed off the Lacebugs, they'll be back of course but any disruption helps.
More holes made and covered in the fence bed. That stick, was halfway deep into a hole the previous day. It got pushed out when the hole was blocked. The pepper did not survive wilting. I should have picked it with the other one. I tossed it in the corner as it was too soft to be edible.
Found some green worms on the sunflower as well as the lacebugs, dealt with those and then putting the hose away and... another leak. Sigh.

This was around 11 this morning. Already things are just giving up for the day due to the heat. I did bring the fertilizer out and put some under everyone, moved the mulch aside then covered it again. Will water a bit tonight because the soil was still very wet under the mulch.

Flowers are still growing on the beheaded sunflower and despite what the dirt looks like, that's all from me blasting what holes I found last night. I'm just so done.

Come on cuke, get that pollinating going! Not even any ants around to walk through the flowers and they're tucked in there so good hard to get at them. Zucchini and other squash flowers are huge, these little guys, hard to tell male from female. If there are any female.

So as I move the mulch aside I'm pulling out the bark pieces I used as a temporary fix, turned one over and SIGH... termites.

Have to expect it right? Luckily they don't attack green plants just dead oh a pile of logs that have been sitting there for who knows how long against a building near a redwood fence. So I pulled as much of the big chunks of bark out as possible, can't do anything about the mulch but honestly it's okay, chewing up the mulch will make for compost in the soil later.

The trowel shows how deep I drove it in due to a tunnel near the wilting pepper. The dirt is still very nice and moist but despite it having imminent death I tossed fertilizer in the hole and around the plants. That little bean is still hanging in there, even gave it some food.

She only cut her larger tomato back and tossed the other one, it's still infested unfortunately. The yellow rose opened and is showing heat burn on the petals. To be expected even in a semi shaded area, that bed gets afternoon sun this time of year and even if it didn't, 90+ outside even in the shade.

Oh give me a home, where the gophers don't roam and the skies are partly cloudy most days. Where never is heard a disparaging word and the veggies all thrive every daaayyyyy!

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