Thursday, August 11, 2022

Still very sad but am hopeful

 Weather continues to be in the 90's by noon and peaks by mid-afternoon, dropping into the 80's after sunset. Not much time to check on it today but am refusing to dig it up. Everything is very much wilty but will not be watering in the middle of the day in 94 degree heat. Nope, nuh-uh can't make me.

I dug the dirt around the hole and covered it up because if there are any roots still viable down there they deserve to have a chance. By the way that trowel only being in the sun for maybe four hours was almost too hot to hold. The cucumbers are both blooming and hopeful for those producing something. I have done my outing for today so not going to go out and get anything else. Will have to brave it after sundown and water tonight.
How do you fertilize when there's mulch on the ground? Push the mulch aside, put down the fertilizer, mix it in a bit, water then put the mulch back. How hard is that? Or on larger landscapes you keep the mulch away from the stem or use a liquid fertilizer but then you are leaving fertilizer on the mulch and not on the ground.  It will get done hopefully tonight.

The corner sunflower I had to shade to get a picture of the flowers budding on the stem. Nature finds a way, just wish some of that nature would NOT find a way into my garden! I don't have enough of the netting to put around all the beds. I doubled it in half with the south bed and used half the roll and only went half way around. Gonna need more netting.

For now, the plants will have to suffer through the heat while I sit inside ten degrees cooler than outside but still a bit warmer than I like. 

Anyone got a gopher snake for sale?

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