Thursday, October 13, 2022

Nicer weather for sure

 I actually got my long pants out yesterday and considered putting them on instead of my shorts but thankfully changed my mind. High 70's is still shorts weather when you get moving around. Lovely gentle, coo breeze coming through the window. As long as the front door is open.

I got out in the evening yesterday but didn't post anything until now. Nothing has changed, the peppers are still getting bigger and there's more.

None of them are likely to be regular pepper size but am glad to see so many of them. I moved the bucket even more to the center of the bed and propped it on two small logs (making sure it's level as possible of course).

Looking around the garden I noticed the distinctive leaves of a palm seedling coming up behind the jade plant.

Almost three feet tall!, the bed it's laying on is about two feet wide so yeah, I got the mulch scoop out and dug that sucker out.  No one else would have and in about three years it would be too big to cut down easily. Most palm trees you can just lop off anywhere below the head and it won't grow anymore but I decided to just pull this one out at the roots. Broke it in half then folded it again and tossed it in the junk pile. 

Speaking of that, I looked at it while I was there and really wanted to get a rake and clean it out. It's not a compost pile just a corner of garden trash (compostable stuff) and gopher holes. i don't have a rake though and not going to buy one. The cages need to be fixed or tossed and stacked in the corner better also.

Garden organization is important for tools and accessories when you have the space. I helped a friend in a community garden and they had a shed where all the hand tools like trowels and cultivators were hanging on hooks on one wall, rakes on another side and shovels on the other wall. I am not the most organized person but sometimes my OCD kicks in and things have to be neat and tidy. Or at least arranged so things can be found easily. Decades of working in a retail environment reinforced that of having things make an orderly sense. Bugs me no end seeing all of one thing grouped together and then something that should belong with that group is somewhere else.

Looking at the fence bed I do wish I had some gravel for drainage on the bottom but that's another expense I can't afford. Will have to just loosen the dirt, put the wire down and then some mulch on that. Almost went to HD yesterday but our errands took us elsewhere, now I have used up most of my extra money on necessary things but will hope for some other money coming soon to get the soil and stuff.

So still in a holding pattern but knowing the weather is cooling down for the most part is helping that I won't be running out of time weather wise.

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