Monday, November 7, 2022

Early day today due to cat

 So... i was tired enough last night I knew I was going to sleep very well, which I did but then.... cat. So I finally got back to bed from various stages of sleeping on the couch and woke around 9 am to the sound of the gardeners blower starting up. Wonderful. Our window is open enough that when he gets to this end of the building we'll have 2 cycle exhaust. Then my eyes flew wide.

Blowers. For Leaves. Leaves for raised bed! I sat up, pulled on my sweatpants (as quietly as I could cause my sweetie didn't sleep well at all last night either). Slipped on some shoes and went down to do my best interpretation of 'please save out some leaves I have a raised bed in the garden I need them for'. Using hand signals and such he got the idea but gave me a crazy look and asked what apartment I was in and pointed right up because were were at the end of the building and told him what number.

I was dressed so I decided to go start pulling logs out of the bed anyway. at 9:30 am. I would have usually been still asleep at this hour. So I pulled about half the logs out, left the dead twigs and plants in and then headed back to the apartment. I stopped looking to my left just past the lemon bush.

Leaves were blown against the wall... score!

The log piles from what I took out, decided to split the difference and put some in the corner and rebuild the original a little.

 So I scooped up all the leaves I could from the wall plus some that were piled on the lawns to make a  nice even layer of leaves as a 'screen' at the right level to add soil. I was going to go tell the gardener that I didn't need the leaves but didn't, what leaves he adds in to the top I can leave and take off to bag for later.

This is my replacement for the window screen/shade cloth idea to keep the soil from dribbling down. I'm going to shuffle the leaves a bit more to filter down through the log layer and will end up with just the right height for my soil layer. I thought of putting some of the free mulch on there as well but as I said, I may need that for the soil surface for the summer. The leaves need other things mixed in to make a good compost.

I think I need to clean my camera lens off (by the way that is about as foggy as my actual vision is due to my cataract). Must have gotten greasy finger print on it between yesterday and today. But yes, that is a full raised bed of leaves. I'll be taking most of what he put in and bagging it or putting it in the corner with those smaller logs.  

Which now reminds me that I have that black plastic border that may be useful for an actual compost corner. Will see what kind of energy and supplies I can muster. I wonder if that guy still has free mulch in his driveway?

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