Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Definitely fall weather now!

 Yesterday it was cloudy and blustery, which after clear days means the clouds were coming in for an extended period of time. Well, they did. It rained early morning and got the ground rather wet which is a good thing, and bad thing.

I looked at the weather yesterday and said 'well if it's like this tomorrow I'll try to get the bedding frame out to the garden. Right...about that. But first, what happened in the garden yesterday.

Had to pick the peppers, no seeds of course but there are others still growing and with this cooler weather any flowers that are developing may well have some good size fruit on them. I did eat the peppers and they were very sweet, tasted very good! Just wish they were bigger.

Then there's... the gopher activity.

New, clean hole in the south bed. I flooded it well but the water bubbled up almost immediately and drained in about double the time.That isn't the only hole that showed activity either.

Another hole at the back of the north bed (sorry for the blurry shot) rather sizeable one at that and another hole that was there before but seemed to have grown.

I watered everything really well including the wood pile because there was new dirt pushed around there as well, then saw the other holes

I ran water in that one hole for five minutes, at first it backed up but then it unplugged and ran without any problem. They've gotten more active for various reasons, one is there hasn't been any activity in the garden so guess what buckos, activity happened.

The picture up on the right is showing how I used the hoe to clear the debris and attempt to level the dirt pile there. I just pulled all the larger debris and stuff to the corner. I really want one of those 'garden weasel' cultivators I had years ago. Long spiked wheels that did a great job of stirring up the dirt. Reminded me of the old west sound of spurs jingling on cowboy boots.

Very much wet and I can hear the sound of a blower outside at another complex. Because that's what they're supposed to do today.

The hole that I flooded yesterday, dirt pushed up to block it. Will go out there either this evening or tomorrow and flood it again. Nothing like persistent predator type activity to deter them for a bit. This plant is growing where there were marigolds and onion growing (onion is still there and has a seed head). It has a very pungent leaf but I have no idea what it is. I did Leafsnap for the flowers and it says it's something that grows in the midwest around Ohio. I don't think so. Flowers say it's a 'fleabane' type of plant but this is growing so healthy wondering if the person planted it on purpose.

Who knows. Just intriguing at this point, certainly not a marigold which is the tag at the base of it.

So we will see what happens later today but at least the weather is definitely cooler and more conducive to working outside.

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