Sunday, October 30, 2022

The birds! The birds!

 The local parrot flock came in last night and decided to roost in our trees. A wonderful cacophony of squawking a bit familiar from the parrots that resided at the nursery for years. See my fb main account for video as blogger only gets video from youtube or my computer. As quickly and as noisy as they were, within five minutes they were so quiet you wouldn't even know they were in the trees.

Suspicious disturbance around two holes. Scraped dirt and the one on the left looks like dirt was kicked up and then it was plugged. Sigh. This is why I can't have a nice garden.

What's left of the peppers. Two that are not coloring and two that are. Still much too small for much of anything to eat. I'm going to chalk it up to lack of food and quality of soil, not to mention too much heat at one point.
To quote one site:

"Despite being a warm weather loving plant, too much heat while blossoms are forming can cause your bell pepper plants to produce smaller & unusual looking peppers."

So there you have it, exactly what happened. I am going to have to plant earlier in the season or start planning for a crop for the fall/winter. It's going to be about 80 today so no work in the garden today. The pictures here are all from yesterday and nothing really has changed.

I have realized and learned so much about gardening in my particular location over the past year. Basically it boils down to, don't. Well actually, don't expect prime results due to local conditions. So once the bed gets put in I am hoping for better results over the next few seasons. Better soil, have mulch, north side of garden facing south so more winter sun should be good for almost anything.

I keep putting off getting the bed frame down there because of the amount of work involved as well as not having the money for the soil. It will all fall into place eventually but for now just wishing and planning and whining.

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